Kundalini Yoga, Yin Yoga und Rebirthing
Workshops im Sonnentor haueneberstein
Workshop Oktober 2016 in Germany
- Yin Yoga for the hips, back and shoulders
- Kundalini Yoga for Vision - find and reach your goal
- Rebirthing Kriyas : Unload the pain of Memories I and II, Release your Garbage, Ardh Kechari Kriya
Programm in deutsch
workshops Spring 2016 in Germany
- Kabbalah and Kundalini Yoga, a combination of 2 excellent effective tools- you learn to do the right things at the right time
- Yin Yoga - soft and relaxing - stretch your muscles and fascial tissues
- Spring Detox - intense Kundalini Yoga kriyas and Meditations for the liver, kidneys and glandular system
- Soundhealing - Naad Yoga - create vibrations to heal yourself
- Yoga for "late bloomers"on a chair - Yoga for people with problems sitting on the floor
- Superhealth - Naad Yoga - be healthy, become healthy, stay healthy
- Jappa Meditation for Infinite Bliss - 62 min Meditation to find you in you
- Jappa Peace Meditation - 62 min Meditation for peace in you and for the world
previous workshops since 2007
- for Women
- your beauty is within you
- your strengh and grace as a woman
- Yoga for the menopause
- for health
- Yoga for depression and fear
- Yoga for the hormons
- spring cleansing
- self healing
- Soundhealing with Naad Yoga
- Superhealth with Naad Yoga
- Rebirthing with Kundalini Yoga a. Yogi Bhajan
- Balance your chakra system
- Pregnancy Yoga with partner
- Tree Yoga
- Children Yoga
- Yoga for people with handicaps
- Pranayama/ Breathing intensiv
- Sat Nam Rasayan Introduction
- and much more