What is Meditation?
Meditation can be illustrated in many ways.
We can say that meditation is a process of controlling the mind, the thousands of thoughts comming up in each second, to slow down this process, to be aware of the thoughts. With the awareness comes the understanding, that my thoughts are not ME, that I can choose what I want to think, and to make my mind my best friend. I am the master of my mind and not the slave of my mind. A very good book about Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is this here: www.satnam.eu/introduction-to-kundalini-yoga-and-meditation-vol1-p-835.en.html?_ga=1.227939357.1410450318.1452698350
Same as Kriyas, there are uncountable Meditations for every thinkable issue. As modern science now know and proofed, meditation is one way to boost your self-healing capacity. There are also meditations, are said to prevent Alzheimers´ because the brains´chemistry chainges in many differnt ways, every time for your benefit!
different kinds of meditations
Meditation with Mudra
Meditation to bring inner peace and joy, specially if you have problems to meditate. The bigger the resistance the better the outcome of this
Mudras are specific arm,-hand or fingerpositions which have each of them a different effect of your psyche or body/mind/soul.
They can help us achieve and find good qualities in us and also change the metabolism of the brain, what can change old patterns in your daily live.
silent Meditation
Silent meditations can be in a sitting position without specific breathing pattern, eye focus, mudra, mantra. Or with a mudra and a mantra which is repeated mentally.
Sometimes you focus only on a point of your body or allow the breath to come in and out very consciously
Meditation with mantra
In Kundalini Yoga we know hundreds of Mantras. Each Mantra has a differnet effect on the brain/body/mind/soul
We could use them loud in a specific rhythm, or in a playful singing, or we only speak them out.
Meditation with different breathing patterns
We also know uncountable different breathing patterns or breathing techniques, here are some :
- inhale through the nose exhale through the mouth
- inhalte through the mouth, exhale through the nose
- inhale through the left nostril, exhale through the right
- breath of fire
meditation with different eye positions
The position of the eyes are very important, because our optical nerve is directly connected with one gland in the brain - the pituitary gland. This gland is one of the masters of the brain to controll our glandular system in the body. Glandulars are the guardians of our health and moods. Different positions of the eyes gives also different positive effects to control our thoughts, here are some effects
- look at the third eye point - between your eyebrows-stimulates the pituitary gland makes you very clear and foccused, expandes your intuition
- look at the tip ou the nose - stimulates the pineal gland and the 3 energetic channels in your body - IDA; PINGALA, SHUSHUMNA, your talking inside can stop at once
- look an the chin - cools down and makes you calm
- look at your highest point of your head - we call it crown chakra - stimulates this chakra and you feel connencted with everything around you